Voluntary work by Trustees - as at July 2011
Frank Julie - Chairperson
Ronell Swartbooi - Vice Chairperson
- Assistance to Step-Up-For-Life with their funding proposal
- Assistance to I Am Somebody with their fundraising strategy
- A free networking workshop to the staff at Leliebloem House in Crawford
- A free workshop on effective money management to the staff at the West Coast Community Foundation
- Acted as guest speaker at the lauch of the NGO community forum for the Northern Suburbs initiated buy the Dept of Social Development in Bellville
- A voluntary workshop on professional fundraising for PFF at the Dept of Labour
- Free consultations with the Bishop Lavis Library Committee
- Financial donation towards a dinner for the Lavis Past Teachers and Pupils Association
- Free consultation with the director of the Mitchells Plain Forum Opposing Women Abuse
Ronell Swartbooi - Vice Chairperson
- Marketing and organisational support to the South African Network Alliance - Aiming to bring proessionals of all sectors together to network, share and do business
- Assisted Zanokhanyo Childrens Home, based in Khayelitsha, with raising donations for electricity. Donations were collected during a SANA network event on May 30, 2011. The event took place at Ikhaya Lodge, Dunkley Square, Cape Town.